VIP Offers & Flash

VIP offers and Flash deals
VIP offers and Flash deals

Our Flash Deals end on 05.03.25.

Superb savings available from our stores, our telesales team and online.

Our hottest offers!



Hi-fi separates

Hi-fi speakers

Home cinema

& portable audio

Preferential in-store pricing

We often have a selection of offers and better pricing for our valued in-store and telesales VIP customers. Come in for a cuppa, and bring any questions you have for our friendly in-store experts.

Join our
FREE VIP Club today!

Lowest Prices Guaranteed - We offer the best prices of all!

Our Price Beat policy means that we won’t just match a price you’ve seen elsewhere, we’ll beat it and even give you up to £100 back.

Whether it’s a web price, voucher code, part-exchange, loyalty club, discount scheme or a manufacturer selling direct, you can rest assured you are getting the lowest prices guaranteed and, in many cases, a longer and more comprehensive guarantee.

Find out more, or apply for a Price Beat here.